University of Minnesota, Twin Cities(Double B.S. in Computer Science & Mathematics, GPA: 4.0)
Graduating May 2024
Fiveable, Software Engineer(
(Gap Year) Sep 2021 - Aug 2022
Architected and implemented low-level WebRTC voice and video calling functionality. Started as a proof-of-concept and then scaled to general availability on Google Kubernetes Engine.
Reduced application load times by 20x on high-traffic pages by optimizing database queries, network requests, and re-renders.
Refactored backend to a REST-ful API and automated tests with Jest and Puppeteer, improving performance and stability.
Deployed and managed servers on Google Compute Engine for internal tools used company-wide.
Designed and built user-facing features using Typescript, Next.js, React, Redux, Material UI, and MongoDB.
Bobcat Notify, Founder(
Nov 2019 - May 2021
Published Android and iOS apps for Brookings High School students, staff, and parents for fast and reliable emergency alerts.
Gained 2000+ downloads, more than 2.5x the number of students. The school district offered to purchase the app for every school.
Collaborated with school administration and IT to deliver timely and relevant push notifications and in-app updates.
Maintained an average rating of 4.9 stars across both app stores with over 50 reviews., Developer(
Sep 2019 - Aug 2022
Ensured site uptime by maintaining servers for critical projects.
Developed custom PHP image gallery and file storage server to be used by more than 68,000 registered users.
Freelance Web Developer
May 2018 - Nov 2019
Built and deployed a global network of servers to publish messages in under 200ms to over 7,500 concurrent users globally.
Developed complex web scraping bots and websites to successfully gather information requested by clients quickly and accurately.
Projects, 3rd @ Hack for Humanity 2022(github)
Python (OpenCV), FFmpeg, Next.js, MongoDB, Docker
Used OpenCV and OpenFace to detect, identify, and selectively blur all unrecognized faces in real time.
Automatically deployed to DigitalOcean droplets using Docker Compose and GitHub Actions.
Implemented the frontend to connect to a RTMP proxy server with integrated streaming to Youtube (or any other RTMP endpoint)., 2nd (Remote Learning) @ TAMUHack 2022(github)
Python (OpenCV, FastAPI), Next.js, Docker
Parsed user-uploaded lecture videos to create an interactive transcript interlaced with parsed slides from the video.
Leveraged OpenCV to extract lecture slides and Google Cloud Speech APIs for transcription via a FastAPI microservice.
Built frontend to upload video files to Google Cloud Storage and then fetch relevant data from a MongoDB instance.
Dakota Debate Institute, Summer 2021-2022(
Next.js, Chakra, Express, MongoDB
Founded and directed a 501(c)3 nonprofit to run a week-long, overnight debate summer camp with over 45 students and 10 staff.
Developed the website and classroom management system for our free live-streamed classes.
Managed a $10k/month Google AdWords campaign which was responsible for roughly 50% of web traffic.
Awards, Languages/Libraries, and Technologies
Awards: US Congressional App Challenge Winner (Bobcat Notify), USACO Gold Division
Languages/Libraries: JavaScript, Typescript, Python, C++, React, React Native, Java, Redux, PHP, NodeJS, HTML/CSS, SASS
Technologies: MongoDB, MySQL, Firebase/Firestore, Figma, Google Cloud Platform, Kubernetes, Docker, Git/Github, Vim